About me and this mission…


This is my story.  I was an RN with two master’s degrees, teaching at two different colleges as an adjunct professor.  I can not describe what happened to me in 2013 other than to to say God called me to do His work.  It meant leaving a career as a professional registered nurse and giving my entire trust to God.  I began providing a free nursing clinic in the town where I lived in Pennsylvania at a church.  I expected to see older folks with diabetes and medication issues, heart problems, maybe even some wounds that needed to be cared for that insurance didn’t pay for.  Instead, I began to see single moms with sick children who had minimal resources and were nearly living on the streets and drug addicts, psych patients, and alcoholics looking for help in getting away from their addictions.  These people were helped through the grace of God, many by local people who were compelled to support them, some were guided to rehab centers that were filled to capacity, yet there was a space found for them.

In moving to another state, my calling persisted, now extending to homeless folks, some just looking for a ride, others for a place to stay.  There were alcoholics looking for help, too.  Again, through Grace, ways were found to help these people find a way out of their situation.  Around Christmas of 2014, having left teaching and the nursing profession completely and becoming a pastor, I found myself painfully aware of the dilemma of homeless, both men and women with children.  I could not rest or sleep well, they were there pulling at my heart.  In February of 2015, the opportunity came for me to leave my home and travel and live among the homeless. I felt like God was saying “go!”.  I have traveled through out the United States, living as those I served, reaching out to those that I could, providing meals, transportation, spiritual support, sometimes just a being non-judgmental, compassionate ear to listen to those in need.  If I can personally help someone, I do.   If I need to point them in the direction of community services, I do.  There are some I need to go back to, God willing, to help if I can.  I am guided to write their stories as a diary of sorts, and excerpts from my writings are what you will find on my blog pages.

God calls on us to do His will.  We are so far from Him in this day and age, we often do not recognize that He is talking to us.  I know that I am doing His work, I feel protected in what I do, and there is always something that points me in a direction that I need to go.  I never expected to do this in my life time.  It is indeed a blessing to serve others, to love unconditionally with a Christian love that Jesus preached to us through out the New Testament. It has been a lesson in trusting God, and I am challenged frequently to trust him. It has been a journey in learning to become humble.  Prayer has served me constantly through out this journey.  I hope that my blog is helpful in teaching how to love unconditionally, how to serve unconditionally.  Without judgement.

I hope you enjoy the blog.  I appreciate feedback.  If you would like to contact me personally, you can do so by email at sylvania1007@gmail.com. God bless you all.
