Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep…..homeless in America?!

Imagine being a citizen of the United States and one day your whole life is turned upside down: you lose your job, your marriage collapses, you are evicted from your home, your parents kick you out, you discover your ten year old daughter is being regularly sexually abused by your husband who isn’t her father…. The reasons are endless. There is an epidemic of homelessness in the United States, a modern day land of milk and honey that has become a land of greed and money regardless of who is hurting.

Most homeless want a hand up, not a hand out. Homeless walk among us and look like anyone else. They sleep on the street, in cars, anywhere they can be safe. There are programs all over the United States: some are good some are corrupt.  This ministry is reaching out to the homeless one person at a time. This mission is meant to seek out the homeless, help them up, and give them a voice to hear their stories.

This blog will give you an idea of what it is like to be homeless in the United States of America, the land of opportunity, from interviews with homeless people across the country.  The stories are as true as the teller has made them.  If you would like more information about the homeless and women’s ministry, you can contact me at  I would be happy to talk to you.

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